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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  February 12, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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3 they looked outssde after hearing the guufirrethee could thissaree :20police say 23 year old dayvon green opened & fire as he and his two of rooommtes were walkinn iino theirrhouse to get wwter to puu outtthoss shot pooh rrommates multiple timee... beffrr turning the gun oo himself.(parker) sott 3 gunmanns body and a bag of & weaaons ann outcue::ammunition :15 3 the murder weapon purchased legally n balitmore county. 14406:033after speaking with this is one of thooe crrzy 3 pomeeoeesnapp :33here's how neighbbrsssay they reacted
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3 (chii)11:52:18 i ducked down and basically ccrlee inna ball and waiteddfoo the gunffre too stop12:55:18 joyyand you can even find evidence whhre several sttay bullets hit cars & pf these students neighborr. p 3 moreeon this story still - tonight at :30...we leern mooe about the shooter... whh was aammrgan state graduate. 3 police... are investigatingg.. 3 a baltimore students... arrived to a crime scene thhs morning.. outtide... gwynns falls... eeemmntary in nnrthwwsttbalttmore...// police say... a female custodiaa... was hit... ooer the head... aa she opened the school... around 6-30 am..... -
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her injuries -'s was random..../ the school... pemained open ... to -&pmaiinain... a routine... for the hildren. pa... bbltimore... police rainee... - is shot... in aatraining & accident...//.ii... haapened... at a trainingg & facclity... in owinns mills.../ just... short whileeago. &pago.keith daniels....streaming live tonight from the scenn of tte accident with word on the -3 officer's condition... keith? 3 3 -3& 3 3 3 3-
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3 pew nnormation ttnight.... in a deadly shootinggat a courthouse.chriitine belford, wws shot to deaah ooday at the ccurthouse in wilimiigton. pooice say the gunman was herr matuuiewicz (ma-too-so-witz).3 dispute with her ex-hhssandd
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david matusiewiiz (ma--- convictee of kkdnapping the couple's three daughters and tookkgrraatpains to protect her ccildren. 3 auuust ssys: "this is ann enormmusly saddsituation." strong person. i mean she as a workiig mom ddaling with childrenn shh has a reaalyy police say the gunman shot himmelf innthe ead after kiiling belford ann hhr frienn & laara mulford. two police aaso were hit by gunfire buu were protectee bb their armored pestt. &p3pbbltimore... policc... name aa - second suspeet the stabbing of a 14- year- old...//..uthooities... will not give names of thee years- old..../shortly affer... 10... last night ... the victim... was & slasheddin the throat....near garrison nd liberty pavv a motive. 3 a state llwmaker wants to reducethe penalties for simplee possessiooof marijuana.senator bobby zirkin wants tomake -3 possession offless thanten grams of "pot" a civil offense.
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that meens ffendeesswouldnot &pissued citttion...with a fiie of no more thann100-ddllars. 3 ii... ess than ...ffurrhours... president &pbarack obama... willl eliier -3 his fourthhstaae ff he nion address. president obama... talked bout the economy in his first stateeof the nion 3 officials say... yoo'll hear more on ittagain the presddent outliness new jobs and help expand the middle class.while pnemployment is down under thh obama administration, it's still at 7-point-9 peecent. republicans ut the onus on the presidentt 3&p27--3"wwe re aa a moment where continue to grow, to ontinue to buuld on the progress we made,,to continue tt build on the job creatiin wee'e achievvd." achieved."50-53"tte president doesn't elieve we have aa spending problemm" proolem."the issue of gun -3 control will also be front and center tonight.sources say he & pon't reveal new policyybut will push for congress to act. 3 and... the presidenn... - pllns to announce... .34- ttousand u- s troops... will
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be hhme ffom afghanistan... y this time neet yeaa....// frther reduutiins... ill conninue thru... the end f 2014.. / as... afghans ttke eeponsibility for their pwn securrty. p3 you can see... thh state of theeunion addrees live... on fox 45... tom'w night... beginning aa....9--pm...// ttat brinns us tooour question like to hear from the president in his stateeof thee & union address? 3 go to fox-baltimore dottcom you can lso ound off through ffcebook. or send us aa&ptweet.. att oxbaltimore. a... young innovaaor ...froo anne arunnel county... will be among the 3 tonight. 3 thiis.. youtube video ssows... -3 16-year-old ... jack... and-raka....winning nternaaional scienceeand engineering &pfaar...//.the north county 3 deveeoped a new method... to detect pancreatic ancer../ which proved -3 to be... mooe than 90-percent accurate./ . and... 1000 times more seesstive... thaa current testss...//his workk.. eaaned him a seatt.. next to the -3&pfiist lady... and... viie
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-3 president... at tonight'' an annn aaundellcounty couple...who's son drowned in a swimmingpool severrl years pgo....s backki annapolis...seeking tougher laws. a bill...that woulddmandate the use of portable all pblic 3 "statistics have proven thht 40,000 lives a year haveebeen saved with the use of a defibrillator, it's an -equivalent to cure for breast cancer, it's huge, they''e easy to use." -3 use."laww mandating the uss of -3 portabledefibbillators at publii pooll aae alreadyii &peffect in anne arundel county...andsevvral ther 3 3&a... firrfighter... is... haaled a saving a dog... from a burring home.... this hoto... shows... clinton pook... applying his own oxygee mask... to a dog at the scene off affree.. monday....// the dog... nnaed chase....survvved....the fire... at a home... on.... countyy../. a... - local photographerr.. captured... the moment onnccmerr.... and &pshared it online. - how are the roads lookinn tonight?
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tonighh?brandi proccor haa our traffic edge report. reportt p3 greensrping 3plibertybat natllpike 3 shawan395 &p 3p today is fat tuusday...// 3 6thhstraight ear,... the beads ... are flyiig.... in havre de gracc... ss...they celebrate... the poon's french heritage.../ its... átheirr... version of bourbon -stteet....// a... & full fledgeddparadee...with floats... and bands... morningg..// it... &pstarted with just 10 people... and a lot f
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hope.../ now... it's... one of the highhlghts of the year. (11:17:10) " it'ss ffmily ffn event. the kids re out, the parenns aae outt a lot of thee forr ll the people here." here." they even put the town's big statuu innmmrdi pras cooorr.../ thh marquis the townn and noo they honor & hhm and mardi gras ith an expected ten thoosand beads hour. & 33 a... school employee... in having ex... ith a sttuennt & at 5:30... how the relattooship started and hatt & tonight..- 3 3and new information tonightt cooceening the massive manhunn by california olice for one & f their oww.could the search take a turn south of thh -3 border? 3& and new details about a 3 benedict he siittenth has &pbeen dealing with for yyars... ccmiig up. 3 & 3 --adblib weaahee tz--
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the... argestt manhunt... in... southern &pcalifornia history... continnes.../. policee.. desperattly... &ppharged with... muudering a - police officer... in rivvrsidee../. riverside.../.wiiliam la 3the saga involling a rouge -3 former cop, turned murder 3 day.dozens offofficees trying & to close in on 33-year-old -3 chrrsttpher dorner....earching theewoodsswest of big bear - lake.neiman says: "thaa is ongoing nd continues as t has sincc the day ttat we - discovered eviience
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christopher ddrner or his vehiclee as in that area." &pfuulinn rumorssdorner may hhve -3ffeddto mexicc.officiall from the los angeles police &pdepartment will not comment, & but ay they're leaving no sttne unturned...neeian says: ""hh investigation involling many different direcciios based on information we develop..authoritiie also taking a look attsurveillance video showing dorner sportingggoods ssooeein torrance...ppior to the - published repprts.nniman says: "we have not made ny petermination aa to whetter or pot that is ccris dorner inn the tape." since announciig off & a one million dollar reward for inffrmatiin leading to &pdooner's capturee..officials sayythey've receiieedmore than &&p11000 theemeantime - - they contiiue to provide protection for faaiiiessdorner 3 ""t's a orriffing feeling and thht's why you have all the men and women from all these aaencies that are out here dding everything possible tt &ptry to bring thii to a conclusionn"(oo cam tag)la
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&pjeunesss ssys: "the los pngeles city council, aloog sooo add another 330-thoosand -3 dolllrs toothat reward money ...hhping to bring dorner too pilliam la jeunesse, ffx news.""- 3& and here's breaking ews on -3 this the paat two hours... two moreeofficcrs have bben shottduring a shootout with ex- los aageles &ppolice officer ccris dorner. the gunfight occurred in the mountains east of los angeles. if dornnr is now i police custody. 3 p seeret health issue could be the reaaon the popp announced p uuprise resignation yesterday. yesterday..- 3 today, the vatican acknowleeged thaatthe popeewsa fitted wiih a pacemaker some & years back. other reports say theepope recently haa a &pprocedure o replace the batteries on the device. the paccmakkrrhad nnthing tt do with tte surprise decision to step own saainn only that the pope's age was tte reasonnfor -3the rrsignation.. the vatican says that oncee he pope resigns at the end of the
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&pmmnnh, he'll beeoot of the public spotlight or goodd 3 & 3&p"ann that is important, so yoo sort of tww diiferent popes at thh ssme time and one --3 influenccnn the othhr. iithinn tte obvious thing, the obbvous tting isswhen he says petiieeent, it really means retiring." -3&p3 in rettrement, beneeict 3& new itle has not yet bben decided.& 3 earlier we told you about - tonight's upcoming state of the union message from &pppeeident obamm. obama. anddin our questtoo of -the day e aree skkng...what yyu would like to hear from the prreident in his state oo the union address? address?brian writes on our - hearraboutt...."stimulus checks." &pchecks." but christian -3 writes..."enn the warrand bbing everyone bbck." back." we are getting a wide - variety of esponses on ourr ffcebooo pgg. 3 go to ffx-ballimore dot ccm ann tell us whha youuthink. - pyu can alss sound off through facebook. or send us a -pweet.. aa oxbaltimore. a homm surrounded by a car
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dealership.... why the owner &psays it will taae more than & mooee to make him move. & 3&pshhrds of gllss... being found in certtin lean ccissne eals. what he company issnow asking you to check foor.. in your &pfreezer. -3 3 --adblib eathhrrtz-- 3&p
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3 &p33 a homeownee in hawaii is standing is ground.... despitt some nusual livingg conditions. & 3 3 take alook at this hooe. it's practically surrounded by a - car dealershhp and hundredssof cars..ishop kaaahhai (kkh- mah & -heee-eye) is the owner of he home, wwich has been passed doon is family for ggneertiins. e says a garage - bought
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most of the lann in the deelerssip tookkovvr. they''e tried to buy him out several 3& "money,,would takk more than out of here. and i mean this, i'm bbrn anddraised in pearl & ity. that's all i know yeah?" yeah?" 3 tte homeownnersays he does dealership, ann sometimes they ooerrll... e's gottnoo commlaiits. 3 - react to sstry- addib toss to vytas...
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3 cculd you use an extra hundred dollaas?it's all art of our morning news.we're drawing a 100-ddllar winner very hour.. enterrgo to ffcebook dot comm slash fox baltimore and click -3&pon the ""reebruary" tab.then wattc ffo45 mmrning news sttrring at 5 -m tt ee if 3 3 3 is it the ext big release --3 out of appleethe pieee oo pteehnology the company may soon release. 3 and one school... beccmes oo the first... of its kind... to have... a... hhgh-tecc seccrity camera systemm. 3 3 caaera system.
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3 & 3 if yyu're wonderrng what o get your valentine... thatts a little ealthier than - chocolates...
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3 ssme dieticians say you can still get that chocolate fix... wwthout all the -3 caloriee.experts suggest -3 trading that ilk chocolate... -3 ffr a darr chocolate ddiizle on fruits or nuts. 3 133-147"daak chocolatt strawberriessare wonderful because you're getting the benefits of the dark chocolate as well as the vitamii c, the b vitamins, and the dietary piber from the strawberries, which would be a greet suustiiution as weel..&pwell."anothee optionnis & vanilla-yogurt parfaits... just layerryoor favorrie fruit -3 in between dollops of yogurt. as alwaas....keep an eye oon - the serving sizee 3 if amerrcaas educe their sodium intaae by as littte as a teaspoon a daa... and inncease ttat radually over aadecade. up to a half million lives coulddbe - saved. 3 using computer siiulationssand models... researchees projeeted cuttiig a mall amount of salt from the aaerican iet... would leed to a reduction in daiiyysalt intaae by abouu forty percenn... and save bbtween 280- thousand and a half million livvs. americcas consume on
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average bout thirtyysix hundred milligrams of sodium a day... more than twice the eightyypercent of that comes -3 from commerciilly ppepared aad prooessed foods. 3 the b-more healthy xpo returns to baltimore... saturday, februury 23rd..ou can get pealtt screenings... see 3 ssages of áliveá entertainmmnt... a fit and fun kids zone... and muuh muchh - more.the b-more healthy xpo &psttrts at 10 a-m at the & balttmore coonention cenner on february 23rd.we'll ee you there! 3 a... rccll today... involving... leaa cuiiine meals owwed by nestle. nessle.the company s wwrning connumees... ttaa its - "mushrrom... mezza-luna - ravioli"... may pontain... ggass...//. consumers... ánotáto... eat the product... / - and... o contact... the 3 3 president obama... takes... action... to eef &pup....the nation's defense... against... cyber attaccs. attacks.the president... will siin an executive order... today ... and release itt wednesday..../it reportedlyy ...outlines standards ...that
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ccmpanies hould ollow... to protect from cyber aatacks..- 3 apple's... ruuored o beeworking ...on a new device... hat wouldd - functiin... as a smarr ...wrist-watcc...//sources say... it runs oo thh same ...i-o-s... pprating i-pads nd some i--ods.../. no -3 comment yet from apppe... about when ...the devvce could hit storee. 3 3 carroll county conssders banniig synthetic ddugs.why local jurisdictions feel it's necessary and what users of theedrugs thinkk 3 a harford county school eeployee is arressed after 3 student. 33 3 --aadllb weethee tz-- p,3 3&
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and...done. did you just turn your ringer off so no one would interrupt us? oh no, i... just used my geico app to get a tow truck. it's gonna be 30 minutes. oh, so that means that we won't be stuck up here, for hours, with nothing to do. oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh. (holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app.
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